Friday, September 1, 2017

Science Technology and Health Related Some GK

1. Who invented Diesel Engine ? Rudolph Diesel (1895 A.D)
2. Which scientist is also known as father of electricity ? -Michael Faraday
3. Who invented generator ?-Michael Faraday
4. When did Michael Faraday invented  machine to pull water (motor) ? 1830 A.D
5. Who is also called "Prince of Experiment" ? Michael Faraday
6. What is the chemical formula of Water ? H2O
7. Development of Human brain stops as the age of ? 15 years
8. What is the scientific name of frog?Rana tigrina
9. Which worm causes Amoebic Dysentery? E. Hostolytica
10. Name the largest organ of Human body  ?Liver

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Some Fact about Egg.

The chicken is one of the first domestic animals, appearing in China around 1400 BC.China produces most eggs, at about 160 billion per year. In the US, about 260 million hens produce more than 65 billion eggs per year. A hen can lay about 250 eggs per year as mentioned in Allamazingfacts

Despite their solid appearance, egg shells have thousands of tiny pores that allow moisture to leave the egg and oxygen to replace it. This meets the needs of the growing chick perfectly - the evaporating moisture makes more room for the growing chick while drawing in the additional oxygen it needs. In the 21 days it takes for a chicken egg to incubate, it will absorb about 8 pints of oxygen and release about 7 pints of carbon dioxide and about 18 pints of water vapor. 

Science Questions - 10 Questions - 31 August-gk nepal

  1. Which animal has three chamber heart ?  Octopus
  2. What is the unit of depth ? Fathom
  3. How many liters do One barrel Oil have ? 158.98
  4. Which planet is also called twins of the earth ? Venus
  5. Rhino horn is made up of ? Hair
  6. Full form of CDMA ? Code Division multiple access
  7. Where is the majority of asteroids found ? Mars and Jupiter Orbit
  8. Which planet have highest surface temperature ? Tantalum
  9. Which Element has highest boiling point? Venus
  10. Electric current is measured by ? Ammeter

Monday, August 28, 2017

Current Affairs 28 august

  1. How many election  constituencies has been finalized  and proposed by The Constituency Delimitation Commission (CDC)  for provincial and federal polls  ?  495 
  2. How many  electoral constituencies for the election of House of Representatives and Provincial assemblies ? 165 and 330 respectively 
Province 6 and Province 2 Difference: 
Province 6 (with 10 districts) has just 6 percent of the total population (1,623,602),  around 20 percent (27,984 sq km) of the total geography 
Province 2 (with 8 districts) which covers around 6 percent (9,661 sq km) of the total geography but has 20 percent (5,404,145) of population. 

Science Quiz-gk nepal-10 questions-29 Aug

1. Who discovered X ray ? W.K Rontjen
2. Which color have biggest wavelength ? Red
3. Value of  π (Pi) is 22/7
4. The Study of human being is called ? Anthropology
5. Which organs of Human body filters blood ? Kidney
6. The diameter of Moon is .......than that of the earth ? 1/4
7. Who is called the Father of Medicine ? Hippocrates.
8. How many days moon take to rotate around the earth ? 27
9. Solar Eclipse occur when the moon comes in between the sun and the earth.
10. Name the first communication satellite in the world?  Early Bird

Jagadamba Shree Puruskar 2073

Durga Baral famous cartoonist and artist wins Jadamba Shree Prize 2073. Durga Baral is also known as Vatsayan.

Image may contain: 1 person

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Science Quiz- 10 Questions-28 August-GK Nepal

1. How many natural satellites are in our solar system ? -166
2. What is the symbol of Mercury ?-Hg
3. Write the Chemical formula of glucose ?-C6H12O6 
4. What is the full form of DNA ? - Deoxyribo Necleic Acid
5. Which acid is present in Urtica Dioica (सिस्नु ) ? Methanoic Acid
6. What is the full form of CFL ? Compact Flourecent Lamp
7. Who discovered Radium ? Madam Curie
8. Full form of DOTS ? Directly Observed Treatment Shotcourse
9. Chemical Formula of Butane is C4H10
10. Which gas is called Laughing gas ? Nitrous Oxide

Current Affairs 27 August.

  1. Who received Madan Prize (मदन पुरुस्कार -२०७४ ) ? Ghanasyam Kandel for his book Dhritarasta (धृतराष्ट्र ).
  2. From when Bharatpur Hospital has begun free kidney dialysis service ? 27 Aug 2017 Sunday
  3. Who won Saff U-15 Championship held in Nepal? Nepal lose 2-1 against India
  4. When did PM Sher Bahadur Deuba arrived Nepal after 5 days visit of India ? 27 Aug 2017
  5. What is the average rise in annual maximum temperature of the country Nepal according to a recent study conducted by the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DOHM) ?-0.056 degree Celsius.
  6. When did Government announce Rs. 1.25 Billion for aid for flood hit farmer ? Sunday 27 August 2017

Madan Prize 2073-मदन पुरुस्कार -२०७3

1.  Who received Madan Prize (मदन  पुरुस्कार -२०७४ ) ? Ghanasyam Kandel for his book Dhritarasta (धृतराष्ट्र ). 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Science Quiz-10 Questions-27 August

1. What groups are Human in food system ? Secondary Consumer
2. Value of acceleration due to gravity (g) on earth is  ? 9.8 m/s2
3. Lack of which component make look blue to human body  ? Oxygen
4. How many legs do butterfly have ?6
5. Entomology is related to which study?Insects
6. Hepatitis is also known as ? Jaundice
7. Full form of RBC is Red Blood Cell
8. LPG is mixture of methane ,butane and propane
9. Gravitational power of the sun is how much times bigger than that of earth? 28
10. Which element is universal solvent ? Water

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