Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Household in Nepal

Number of families in Nepal is in increasing trend.
1. Number of families as per census 2058 BS ? - 4253220
2. Number of families as per census 2068 BS ?- 5427302
3. By what percent families number  increased in 2068 BS compared to 2058 BS ? 22%
4. How many families were increased in 2068 BS compared to 2058 BS ? 1174082 

Population by ecological belt in Nepal

According to National Census 2068 BS of Nepal , terai region of Nepal is most populated the Hilly and Himalayan region.

1. Population of Terai region- 13318705
2. Population of Hilly Region- 11394007
3. Population of Himalayan region- 1781792
4. Percentage of Terai population- 50.27%
5. Percentage of Hilly region population- 43.01%
6. Percentage of Himalayan region population- 6.73%
7. Population of Terai in 2058BS- 11212452(48.40%).
8. Population of Hilly region in 2058BS-10251111(44.30%).
9. Population of Himalayan region in 2058BS- 1687859(7.30%)

Household size in Nepal

Average size of family in Nepal is around 4.88 people in Nepal according to census 2068 BS. The size of family before 2058 BS was 5.44 people. The decrease in family member is due to single family concept and also due less child birth per family.

1. Which district in Nepal has highest number of people per family as per census 2068 BS ? - Rautahat, 6.44 
2. Which district in Nepal has lowest number of people in family as per census 2068 BS ? - Kaski, 3.92

Main source of drinking water in Nepal

In Nepal 47.78% of total Families in Nepal drink water from pipeline and 35% drink water from tubewell as per census 2068 BS. Mostly city areas are supplied water from pipeline whereas villagers are still reliable on well and tubewell. 
1. What percentage of families in 2058 BS census used pipeline for drinking water? 53.4 %
2. What percentage of families in 2058 BS census used tubewell for drinking water ? 28.60%

Marital Status in Nepal

As per census 2068 the 35.6% population of age 10 years and above are unmarried.

1. Unmarried male population with age of 10 and above- 40.6%
2. Unmarried female population with age of 10 and above- 31.1%
3. Total single marriage in the population with age of 10 and above - 57.5%
4. Single woman population with age 10 and above in total woman population ? 4.61% (498606)

Marriage age in Nepal

As per census 2068 BS the first marriage is recorded highest in the age between 15 and 19 counting the age group above 10. The first marriage between 15 and 19 years of age is 48.9% The first marriage below 14 years of age is 11.5% of total Marriage. First marriage after 50 years of age is 5086.

Disability in Nepal

Meaning of Disability : a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
As per census 2068 BS the 1.94 % of total population which is 513993 are disable either in one or more than one form. Previous census 2058 revels the disability rate was 0.46%.Male contribute 54.56 % and female occupy 45.44% of the total people suffering from  physical or mental disability. The different types of disability are:

Physical Disability: 36.32%
Visual disability: 18.46% 
Hearing disability: 15.45%
Speaking  disability: 11.47%
Mental disability: 6.04%
Deaf and Blind: 1.48%
Intellectual disability: 2.90%
Multi Disability: 7.52% 

Nepal Census 2068-Caste and Ethnicity- Nepal GK- GK Nepal

As per census 2068 BS there are 125 caste and ethnicity in Nepal. The main caste with highest population of Nepal are as follows:

  1. Chettri
  2. Brahman(Pahadi)
  3. Magar
  4. Tharu
  5. Tamang
  6. Newar
  7. Kami
  8. Musalman
  9. Yadav
  10. Rai
The caste with least population are: 

1. Kusunda: 273
2. Nurang: 278
3. Raute: 618
4. Kalar: 1077
5. Lohrung: 1153

Nepal Census 2068- Annual Population Growth rate of Nepal

Average annual exponential population growth rate of Nepal as per census 2068 BS is 1.35% which is less than compared to 2058 BS census. The average annual population growth rate was 2.25%. 

Nepal Census 2068- Mother Tongue- GK Nepal- Nepal GK

As per census 2068 there are 123 languages spoken in Nepal. From the previous census 2058 only 93 mother languages were recorded. Also 48.6% of Nepalese spoke Nepali language as mother language  before 2058 BS which is reduced to 44.6% in 2068 BS census. Find out the five most spoken mother language in Nepal. 

1. Nepali : 44.6% (11826953)
2. Maithili: 11.7% (3092530)
3. Bhojpuri: 6.0% (1584958)
4. Tharu; 5.8% (1529875)
5. Tamang: 5.1% (1353311)

The website GK-IQ.COM contains General Knowledge of Nepal and World. Many other aspects which comes under this universe are also accommodated with best effort possible. Every thing I learn and think important about any thing I try to cover in this website. There may be many mistakes, please feel free to comment about my mistakes. Thank you.

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