- Who is also known as god of North ? -KUBER
- What was the name of Horse of Siddhartha Gautam ? - Kanthak
- Who was the rider of KANTHAK of Siddhartha Gautam ? - Chandak
- What was Janakpur called in Tretayug ? - MITHILA
- What is the name of forest where Ram spent his 14 years ? Chitrakut
- From which Veda music originated ? SAMVEDA
- Who was the last king of DWAPAR YUG ? - PARIKSHIT
- Oldest veda ? - Rigveda
- What is worshiped in CHATH POOJA ? - SUN
- Capital of KUBER ? ALKAPURI
LINK of this Page: Religion and Culture- 10 Question- 05 May 2020