Friday, October 30, 2015


Area of Nepal : 147181 Sq. Km
(56827 Sq. Mile)

As per the agreement with China in B.S 2036..the area has been declared for Nepal. 

Geographical Areas. 

Mountainous Region  
Area: 22077.15 Sq. Km (15% of Total Nepal)
Agricultural Land: 1483 Sq. Km (5.6%)
Total District: 16

Hilly Region
Area: 100083.08 Sq. Km

Monday, December 17, 2012

Peoples in Himalaya Region in Nepal

Total population in Himalaya Region : - 6.74% of Total Population 
Total Population of Nepal as per the Census 2068 : -2,64,94,504
Main income Source of Himalayan Region People: - Agriculture, Animal and Business
Main festival in this Region: - Loshar (Sherpa, Tamang),Lafewa (Thakali) etc
"Byasi" creeds are found in :- Darchula
"Dhawala" festival is main festival of : - "Byasi"

Sunday, December 16, 2012

WTO and Nepal

  1. When was WTO  established ? : - 1995 January 1
  2. GATT was established on 1948 Jan 1
  3. GATT changed to WTO on 1995 January 1
  4. WTO: - World Trade Organization
  5. WTO is the follower of  GATT
  6. GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  7.  Areas of WTO : - 4 Areas 
  8. Principles of GATT: - a. Most favored Nation- MFN principle b. National Treatment Principle            c. Market access Principle d. Transparency Principle. 
  9. First ministerial meeting of WTO : - Singapore, 1996
  10. Ministerial meetings of WTO takes place in 2 /2 years. 
  11. Head Office of WTO : - Geneva, Switzerland. 
  12. Nepal become the member of WTO on 2004 April 23, 2061 B.S Baisakh 11
  13. Nepal is the 147th member of WTO.
  14. Fifth ministerial meeting approved Nepal as 147th member of WTO, which was held in Kyakun, Mexico. 
  15. Least Developed countries in WTO : - 35
  16. TRIPS is related to WTO. 
  17. TRIPS - Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. 
  18. ACP = African, Caribbean and Pacific Group. 
  19. AD = Anti Dumping Measures
  20. AFTA = ASEAN Free Trade Area
  21. AMS= Aggregate Measurement of Support 
  22. APEC = Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation
  23. ATC = Association on Textiles and Clothing

Medieval Period

  1. In World history the period between the collapsing of  the Roman Emperor  and the discovery of America is called Medieval Period. 
  2. The period of end of slavery system in Europe and rise of सामन्ती प्रथा  is known as Medieval Period. 
  3. In Medieval period the owner of all lands in the country would be the King
  4. The farmers were catagorised  as Slave Class people in Medieval Period
  5. Ancient Greek Civilization is also called Unani Civilization. 
  6. The birth of Drama took place in Unani Civilization.
  7. The country was called Polish during Greek or Unani Civilization. 
  8. Main crops grown in  Unani Civilization : Wheat. 
  9. The civilization evolved in the bank of Tiber River : Roman Civilization. 
  10. Cement was first used  during Roman Civilization. 
  11. The founder of Roman Emperor: Peter Leeward
  12. God Of Unanis: Zeus
  13. Pyramid means the mummy of Greek kings, 
  14. Modern name of Mesopotamia is Iraq. 
  15. Roman Civilization started the 365 days in a year and also the monthly calender. 
  16. 1 month = 4 Weeks, 1 hrs = 60 minutes and 1 min = 60 sec all these calculations credit goes to Babylonian. 
  17. When did Chinese Civilization raised ?  2697 A.D
  18. Silk, Paper, Publication House, Tea, Placards, Soybean was first used in  China. 
  19. End of Western Roman Emperor : 476 A.D
  20. End of Eastern Roman Emperor: 453 A.D
  21. When did Columbus Discovered America ? : 1492 A.D
  22. Great  Scientist born during Medieval Period: Tomeli, Copernicus, Fruno and Galileo 
  23. In Europe which century o is considered as last period of Medieval period: 15th Century. 
  24. After which revolution , Medieval period ends? French Revolution
  25. In the Medieval period how much percent of total income should be paid to Church by the farmer? : 10%
  26. This compulsory rule to pay to the Church by the farmers was called Tyth
  27.  Founder of Islam ?  : Paigambar Mohammad 
  28. The war between Islam and Christian during medieval period lasted for 200 years. This war was called Kused. 
  29. The ancient Greek from 3000 b.c to 2500 b.c is called Pyramid Age or Period.  

General Knowledge on World History

  1. Father of History: Herodotus
  2. Into how many periods or parts world History can be studied: 5 parts. 
  3. Five Periods of World History: Pre-Historical, Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary. 
  4. Which Civilization is most developed civilization relating to Human: Greek Civilization
  5. Ancient period in the world History: 3rd Century to 5th Century of B.C
  6. How old is Ancient Greek Civilization: 3400 B.C years old. 
  7. Charles Darwin in 1859 A.D published the book which tells that human beings evolved from Ape species of Monkey and still today we believe so. The name of the book is "On the Origin of Species".
  8.  Which river is the boon for Ancient Greek Civilization: Nile River
  9. World famous Pyramid are related to Ancient Greek Civilization. 
  10. The King in Ancient Greek Civilization was called: Farao(फरहो  )
  11. During Ancient Greek , whose period is called the Golden Period: Amenhotep IV(अमनहोटेप  चतुर्थ)  )
  12. सुमेरियन सभ्यतामा समयमा  हिरास र अमन  भन्नाले क लई बुजिंथियो ? सुर्य  देवता 
  13. The main God of Sumerian : Sun and Moon.
  14. Sindhu Ghati(सिन्धु  घाँ टी ) Civilization is also known as : Haddapa and Mohanjoddo Civilization. (हद्दपा rर मोहन जोद्ठो शभ्यता   ) 
  15. Where is  Haddapa and Mohanjoddo Civilization. (हद्दपा rर मोहन जोद्ठो ? Punjab, Pakistan
  16. Actual meaning of Mohanjoddo : Dead body's (लाशको थुप्रो )
  17. When was Sindhu Ghati Civilization developed? From 2700 b.c to 1500 B.C
  18. In Mesopotamia Civilization Priest and temple were the center of the Knowledge.
  19.  Sinhu Ghati Civilization, Meospotamia Civilization, Ancient Greek civilization and Chinese Civilization is also called River Ghati Civilization. 

Friday, December 14, 2012


  • King Janak is also called Raj -Shree Maharaj
  • Daughter of King Janak : Sita
  • Real name of King Janak : Shirdwaj.
  • State of King Janak: Mithila Pradesh
  • Ancient Mithila Pradesh is now in Dhanusha District
  • Sita was married to Price of Ayodya Ram Chandra
  • The Bow (Shiva - Dhanu ) in King's Janak Palace is called Pinak.
"Updesh" Great Words from King Janak.
  1. Live Together with Harmony.
  2. Work together
  3. Eat together with Sharing
  4. Unite for the peace.
  5. No Violence.

National Lumuniaries of Nepal

  1. Janak
  2.  Sita
  3. Gautam Buddha
  4.  Anshuverma
  5. Arniko
  6. Ram Shah
  7. Prithvi Narayan Shah
  8. Bir Balbhadra
  9. Amar Singh Thapa
  10. Bhimsen Thapa
  11. Bhanu Bhakta Acharya
  12. Motiram Bhatta
  13. King Tribhuvan
  14. Shankadar Shakwa
  15. Pasang Lahamu Sherpa
  16. Tapaswi Mahaguru Falgunanda

Gautam Buddha

Birth: 626 B.C Baisakh Purnima.
Childhood name: Siddhartha Gautam
Place of Birth: Lumbini, Kapilbastu
Father- Mother: Suddodan- Mayadevi
Name of Son :Rahul
Wife's Name: Yasodhara
  Enlightment : 588 B.C Baisakh Purnima
tTitle: Ligh Of Asia
Selfdied: 543 A.d Baisakh Purnima( Kusinagar, India )

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Environment and Sustainable Development

Environment and Sustainable Development:

  1. World become curious about Sustainable Development from? : - 1970 decade.
  2. Brut land Commission is related to : - Sustainable Development
  3. When was Environment and Sustainable Development Commission formed? : - 1983 on the Chairmanship of Norwegian President Gro Harlem Brutland.
  4. Title of 1987 Brut land Commission: - “Our Common Future”
  5. UN 38th General Assembly formed the Commission on environment and Sustainable development in 1983 A.D.
  6. Stockholm convention on Human and Environment: - 1972 June 5 to 26.
  7. Earth Summit: 1992 June 3 -14: Rio De Generio, 2002: South Africa, Johannesburg, 2012: Rio de Generio, Brazil
  8. According to Environmentalist what is the required percentage of forest land to ensure balance in the environment? : - 43%
  9. From when “Environment and Land Policy” was regulated in Nepal? : - 6th Plan
  10. From when “National Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines ” presented in Nepal? : - 2050/2/4 B.S
  11. World Environment Day:  - June 5
  12. World Environment Slogan 2011: - Forest: Nature at your Service.
  13. World Environment Slogan 2012: -Green Economy: Does it include you?
  14. In Nepal (Kathmandu Valley) when was “Public Vehicle Emission Test Check” started formally? : - 2051/1/1
  15. Who is the president of “Environment Protection Council” of Nepal? : - Prime minister.
  16. Agenda-21 is related to: - Mountain environment.
  17. When was “Environment Protection Act” introduced in Nepal? : - 2053 B.S
  18. When did “Vehicular Pollution Standards maintained” in Nepal? : --2056 B.S
  19. The 3500 K.M long forest wall is being made in South Africa like Great Wall of China.
  20. International union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was established on : - 1984 A.D
  21. United nation Environment Programme (UNEP) was established on : - 1972 Dec 15
  22. International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade: 1981 to 1990 A.D
  23. For the safety of Ozone Layer, the International Summit was held in Montreal Canada in 1987 A.D (Montreal Protocol).
  24. Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997 in Japan (Kyoto), to save Ozone Layer.
  25.  Nepal become the member of IUCN in : - 1973 A.D
  26. International Environment Price  established by UNEP : -“Global-500
  27. “Goldman-Price” was first received by Indian Mahesh Chandra Mahato in 1996
  28. First Nepalese to receive “Global-500”: - Dr. Krishna Kumar Pandey.
  29. In interim Constitution 2063 in which Dhara “Environment Protection Act” is mentioned? : -Dhara 35(5)
  30. Yearly Earth’s surface temperature is increasing by how much percent? : 4%

…………..Refer Book for more information….Thank you……………………….

Planets and Satellite

Information of Planets:-
Distance from Sun
Time to revolve around Sun
Morning Star
Evening Star
Living Planet
Red Planet
11.83 years
Biggest Planet
29.5 years
Second Big.
84.01 years
Green Planet
164,9 years
Yellow Planet

1. When was Pluto removed from the Solar System? : - 2006 September 1
2. When Pluto was named the 9th planet of Solar System? : - 1930A.D
3. In 1953 A.D Nicolas Copernicus gave the view that Earth and other planet revolve around the Sun. Before 1953 it was believed that Sun and other planet revolved around the Earth. Nicolas Copernicus was from which country?  : - Poland.
4. Surface temperature of Mercury: - 35 Degree C in Day & -170 Degree C Night
5. Satellite of Mars: Phobos and Deimos.
6. Biggest satellite of Jupiter: -Ganemid
7. Biggest satellite of Saturn: -Titan
8. Number of Satellites on Solar System: -166
9. When did man landed on moon? : - 1969 July 21 (Neil Armstrong and Edwin Adeline)
 10. The place where Neil and Edwin landed on Moon is called Sea of Tranquility.” 

The website GK-IQ.COM contains General Knowledge of Nepal and World. Many other aspects which comes under this universe are also accommodated with best effort possible. Every thing I learn and think important about any thing I try to cover in this website. There may be many mistakes, please feel free to comment about my mistakes. Thank you.

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