Monday, November 23, 2015

Verbal Analogy

  1.  Book is to Publisher as Film is to ........?
  2. Drama is to Stage as Tennis is to.........?
  3.  Ladies is to Purse as Gents is to........?
  4. Illetracy is to Education as Flood is to ....?
  5.  Hill is to Mountain as Stream is to .......?
  6. Hot is to Oven as Cold is to........?
  7.  Fire is to Ashes as Explosion is to ........?
  8. Snake is to Fang as Bee is to .........?
  9.  Country is to President as State is to ......?
  10. Cricket is to Bat as Hockey is to........?


  1. Producer
  2.  Court
  3. Wallet
  4. Dam
  5. River
  6. Refrigerator
  7. Debris
  8. Sting
  9. Governer
  10. Stick

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