Thursday, October 5, 2017

GK- 05 October

  1. Who received the "Eye Health Hero-2017" award provided by the"The International Agencies For The Prevention and Control of Blindness" ? Dr. Bidya Prasad Pant, Dr. Rita Gurung and Dr. Ram Prasad Kandel
  2. From when "The International Agencies For The Prevention and Control of Blindness" provided "Eye Health Hero Award" ? 2012 A.D
  3. Which Insurance company received "Best Managed Life Insurance Company Award-2017" ? National Life Insurance Company
  4. What is the punishment for drivers who drives recklessly and makes accident ? 3-10 years Jail and 30 -100 thousand rupees. 
  5. Who won liglige race in Gorkha (2074 Asoj 9) ? Khagendra Bahadur Ranabhat (Nepal Army)
  6. Who received Sadananda National Prize 2074 ? Prof. Shiv Gopal Risal
  7. When did earthquake hit Mexico taking more than 250 lives ?  September 19, 2017(7.1)
  8. Who received "Press Council Gopaldas Patrakarita Puruskar" ? Balkrishna Chapagaun
  9. Who received "National Conservative Prize "? Ramprit Yadav
  10. Who won title for Misses Nepal International-2017 ? Suruchi Pandey

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