- Which is the first country to established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? Britain
- When did bilateral relationship between Nepal and Britain established ? - 1816 A.D
- Which is the second country to established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? USA (25 April 1947)
- Name the third country to establish relationship with Nepal ? India (13 June 1947)
- Which fourth country established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? France (20 April 1949)
- Before 2007 B.S with how many countries Nepal had diplomatic relationship ? 4 (Britain, USA,India and France)
- Which Asian country first established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? India
- Which African country first established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? Egypt
- When was bilateral relationship between Egypt and Nepal established ? 16 July 1957
- When was diplomatic relation between Nepal and Australia established ? 15 February 1960
- Which first South American nation established diplomatic relation with Nepal ? Argentina (01 January 1962)
- When was diplomatic relation build with China ? 01 August 1955
- First citizen of Britain to visit Nepal ? Father Grober
- When was diplomatic relationship between Nepal and Republic of Gini established ? -2016 May 12 (143 Nation)
- When did Nepal become the member of UNO ? 14 December 1955
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Foreign Affairs - Nepal- Part 1
Science and Technology- Part 1
- Father of Science ? - Albert Einstein
- When was Albert Einstein born ? - 1879 March 14
- When was "Theory of Relativity " evolved ? 1905 A.D
- When did Einstein founded General Theory of Relativity ? 1915 A.D
- When did Einstein received Nobel Price for his contribution to Physics ? - 1921 A.D
- Albert Einstein refused to become the President of which country ? - Israel
- When did Albert Einstein died ? 18 April 1955 A.D
- Where is Albert Einstein brain preserved ? Princeton Hospital (USA)
- When and where Archimedes was born ? - 287 B.C, Greece
- "Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth " who said this ? Archimedes
- Who discovered the value of Pi ? Archimedes
- Sun is stable and Earth and other planets revolve around the sun , who developed this concept for the first time ? - Nicolaus Copernicus
- When and where did Galileo born ? 1564 A.D February 15, Pisa Italy
- When did Galileo discovered Telescope ? 1609 A.D
- Who discovered Thermometer ? Galileo
- When did Galileo died ? 8 January 1642
- When and where Isaac Newton born ? 25 December,1642, Britain\
- Father of Modern Physics ? Isaac Newton
- Who invented Atomic Theory ? John Dalton
- Which scientist is known as Prince of Experiment ? - Michael Faraday
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
When did 4G service started in Nepal ?
- Which country will host 2019 women's world cup football ? France
- Which country will host 2018 T-20 Women's Cricket World Cup ? West Indies
- When did 4G service started in Nepal ? 2073 Poush 17
- Which two heritage of Nepal was listed in World Book Record recently ? Pashupatinath Temple and Lumbini (2075 B.S Kartik 25)
- Name the climber who record the Everest summit climbing time ? Lakpa Gelu Sherpa (10 Hrs 56 Min 46 Sec)
List of Largest statues in the World.
2.Spring Temple Buddha : 128 m : 2002 (China)
3.The Motherland Calls: 85 m : 1967 (Russia)
4.Statue of Liberty : 46 m : 1886 (USA)
5.Christ of Redeemer : 30 m : 1931 (Brazil)
Sunday, November 4, 2018
04 Nov 2018.
1.When did cabinet decided to change the name of "Visit Nepal 2018" as "Visit Nepal 2020" ? - 2074 Shrawan 29.
2. When did Prime minister of Nepal used "Teleprompter" for the first time ?- 2075 Jestha 16.
3. Where was 6th finance ministerial level East Asia summit was held ? - Singapore
4. When is World Mental Health day celebrated ?- October 10.
5. Which constitution of Nepal first recognized Nepal as Hindu nation ? - Constitution of Nepal 2019.
6. Which country first used credit card ? USA
Saturday, November 3, 2018
04 November 2018..Nobel Prize, Pictorial Warning on cigarette packets, International Day of Older Persons
- The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to James P Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of which cancer therapy ? -Immunotherapy
- Nepal has been ranked 2nd along with which countries in pictorial warnings on cigarette packets, according to latest Canadian Cancer Society ? Vanuatu with 90% pictorial warnings.
- What is the theme of the 2018 International Day of Older Persons?- Celebrating Older Human Rights champions
- Which women physicists has won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics?- Donna Strickland
- Which of the following women scientists has won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry?-Frances H. Arnold
The website gkiq.blogspot.com contains General Knowledge of Nepal and World. Many other aspects which comes under this universe are also accommodated with best effort possible. Every thing I learn and think important about any thing I try to cover in this website. There may be many mistakes, please feel free to comment about my mistakes. Thank you.