Saturday, November 17, 2018

Foreign Affairs - Nepal- Part 1

  1. Which is the first country to established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? Britain
  2. When did bilateral relationship between Nepal and Britain established ? - 1816 A.D
  3. Which is the second country to established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? USA (25 April 1947)
  4. Name the third country to establish relationship with Nepal ? India (13 June 1947)
  5. Which fourth country established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? France (20 April 1949)
  6. Before 2007 B.S with how many countries Nepal had diplomatic relationship ? 4 (Britain, USA,India and France)
  7. Which Asian country first established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? India
  8. Which African country first established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? Egypt
  9. When was bilateral relationship between Egypt and Nepal established ? 16 July 1957
  10. When was diplomatic relation between Nepal and Australia established ? 15 February 1960 
  11. Which first South American nation established diplomatic relation with Nepal ? Argentina (01 January 1962)
  12. When was diplomatic relation build with China ? 01 August 1955 
  13. First citizen of Britain to visit Nepal ? Father Grober
  14. When was diplomatic relationship between Nepal and Republic of Gini established ? -2016 May 12 (143 Nation)
  15. When did Nepal become the member of UNO ? 14 December 1955

Science and Technology- Part 1

  1. Father of Science ? - Albert Einstein 
  2. When was Albert Einstein born ? - 1879 March 14
  3. When was "Theory of Relativity " evolved ? 1905 A.D
  4. When did Einstein founded General Theory of Relativity ? 1915 A.D
  5. When did Einstein received Nobel Price for his contribution to Physics ? - 1921 A.D
  6. Albert Einstein refused to become the President of which country ? - Israel
  7. When did Albert Einstein died ? 18 April 1955 A.D
  8. Where is Albert Einstein brain preserved ? Princeton Hospital (USA)
  9. When and where Archimedes was born ? - 287 B.C, Greece
  10. "Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth " who said this ? Archimedes
  11. Who discovered the value of Pi ? Archimedes
  12. Sun is stable and Earth and other planets revolve around the sun , who developed this concept for the first time ? - Nicolaus Copernicus
  13. When and where did Galileo born ? 1564 A.D February 15, Pisa Italy
  14. When did Galileo discovered Telescope ? 1609 A.D
  15. Who discovered Thermometer ? Galileo
  16. When did Galileo died ? 8 January 1642
  17.  When and where Isaac Newton born ? 25 December,1642, Britain\
  18.  Father of Modern Physics ? Isaac Newton
  19. Who invented Atomic Theory ? John Dalton
  20. Which scientist is known as Prince of Experiment ? - Michael Faraday

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

When did 4G service started in Nepal ?

  1. Which country will host 2019 women's world cup football ? France
  2. Which country will host 2018 T-20 Women's Cricket World Cup ? West Indies 
  3. When did 4G service started in Nepal ? 2073 Poush 17
  4. Which two heritage of Nepal was listed in World Book Record recently ? Pashupatinath Temple and Lumbini (2075 B.S Kartik 25)
  5. Name the climber who record the Everest summit climbing time ? Lakpa Gelu Sherpa (10 Hrs 56 Min 46 Sec)

List of Largest statues in the World.

1.Statue of Unity : 182 m : 2018 (India)
2.Spring Temple Buddha : 128 m : 2002 (China)
3.The Motherland Calls: 85 m : 1967 (Russia)
4.Statue of Liberty : 46 m : 1886 (USA)
5.Christ of Redeemer : 30 m : 1931 (Brazil)

Sunday, November 4, 2018

04 Nov 2018.

1.When did cabinet decided to change the name of "Visit Nepal 2018" as "Visit Nepal 2020" ? - 2074 Shrawan 29.
2. When did Prime minister of Nepal used "Teleprompter" for the first time ?- 2075 Jestha 16.
3. Where was 6th finance ministerial level East Asia summit was held ? - Singapore
4. When is World Mental Health day celebrated ?- October 10.
5. Which constitution of Nepal first recognized Nepal as Hindu nation ? - Constitution of Nepal 2019.
6. Which country first used credit card ? USA

Saturday, November 3, 2018

04 November 2018..Nobel Prize, Pictorial Warning on cigarette packets, International Day of Older Persons

  1. The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to James P Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of which cancer therapy ? -Immunotherapy
  2. Nepal has been ranked 2nd along with which  countries in pictorial warnings on cigarette packets, according to latest Canadian Cancer Society ? Vanuatu with 90% pictorial warnings. 
  3. What is the theme of the 2018 International Day of Older Persons?- Celebrating Older Human Rights champions
  4. Which  women physicists has won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics?- Donna Strickland
  5. Which of the following women scientists has won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry?-Frances H. Arnold

The website contains General Knowledge of Nepal and World. Many other aspects which comes under this universe are also accommodated with best effort possible. Every thing I learn and think important about any thing I try to cover in this website. There may be many mistakes, please feel free to comment about my mistakes. Thank you.

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