Saturday, November 17, 2018

Foreign Affairs - Nepal- Part 1

  1. Which is the first country to established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? Britain
  2. When did bilateral relationship between Nepal and Britain established ? - 1816 A.D
  3. Which is the second country to established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? USA (25 April 1947)
  4. Name the third country to establish relationship with Nepal ? India (13 June 1947)
  5. Which fourth country established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? France (20 April 1949)
  6. Before 2007 B.S with how many countries Nepal had diplomatic relationship ? 4 (Britain, USA,India and France)
  7. Which Asian country first established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? India
  8. Which African country first established bilateral relationship with Nepal ? Egypt
  9. When was bilateral relationship between Egypt and Nepal established ? 16 July 1957
  10. When was diplomatic relation between Nepal and Australia established ? 15 February 1960 
  11. Which first South American nation established diplomatic relation with Nepal ? Argentina (01 January 1962)
  12. When was diplomatic relation build with China ? 01 August 1955 
  13. First citizen of Britain to visit Nepal ? Father Grober
  14. When was diplomatic relationship between Nepal and Republic of Gini established ? -2016 May 12 (143 Nation)
  15. When did Nepal become the member of UNO ? 14 December 1955

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