Friday, July 26, 2019

GK questions from important Inventions in physics and Chemistry

GK questions from important Inventions in physics and Chemistry
Anderson         Discovered positive electrons.
Archimedes         Discovery of the Principles of lever and of specific gravity; invention of the famous Archimedean screw.
Avogadro          An Italian scientist known for Avogadro’s Hypothesis.
Bacquerel  Radio-activity of uranium.
Baird             Television.
Baron Napier   Logarithms.
Benjamin Franklin Invented lightning conductor.
Steel smelting process.
Bhabha, Dr H.J.   Research in Cosmic rays and Quantum theory.
Binet                   Intelligence Test.
Birbal Sahni      Researches in Botany.
Bose, J.C.            Invented Crescograph and published many works on plant physiology. He discovered that plants have sense and perception.
Bose, S.N.           Discovery of a group of nuclear particles named after him “Boson”.
Boyle                  Boyle’s law; Pressure x volume = constant at a constant given temperature. Boyle was the greatest scientist of England in his time.
Bohr                   Electron Theory—Atomic structure.
Braun, Dr Wernher vonspace flying.
Bunsen                       Invention of the spectroscope.
Carothers                   Nylon plastics.
Cavendish                    Discovery of chemical composition of water; discovery of hydrogen (Inflammable Air); ‘rare gases’.
Chadwick                     Discovery of the neutron.
Chandrasekhar             Mathematical Astrophysics.
Charles Darwin            Theory of Evolution; Origin of Species.
Clarke, Arthur C.         Concept of Geostationary Orbit.
Curie, Madame           Discovery of radium.
Dalton                        Atomic theory; laws of chemical combination; law of partial pressures; the law of multiple proportions.
Democritus                  Greek philosopher—(Atomic theory).
Dewar                        Invented cordite, liquid oxygen and introduced thermos flask.
Theory of relativity.
Euclid                           Science of geometry.
Fahrenheit                    Fahrenheit mercury thermometric scale in which freezing point is –32° and boiling point is 212°.
Faraday                       Electromagnetic induction and laws of electrolysis.
Fermi                           Discovered artificial splitting of atoms.
Freud                          Doctrine of Psycho-analysis.
Gay Lussac                 Law of gases.
Gauss                          System of absolute electric measurements.
Good Year                  Discovered the art of vulcanising rubber.
Herschel, William          Discovered the Planet—Uranus.
Hertz                          Electrical waves.
Founder of scientific astronomy.
Discovered the first aniline dye.
Kelvin, Lord                  Dynamical theory of heat.
Khorana, Dr Hargobind Deciphering the genetic code.
Kodak                          Film and photographic goods.
Lablanc                          Manufacture of washing soda.
Lawrence                      Invention of cyclotron.
Helium gas.
Louis Braille                   Perfected his system of reading and writing for the blind
Marconi                         Wireless telegraphy; radio.
Maria-Montessori            ‘Montessori’ method of teaching children.
Maxwell                          Electro-magnetic Theory of Light.
Meghnad Saha                 Effect of pressure on Radiation through bodies.
Mendel                            Laws of heredity.
Mandeleev                       Periodic Table.
Morse                               Morse system of electric telegraphy.
Newton                             Laws of gravitation; Law of Motion.
Nobel                            Dynamite.
Oliver Lodge                      Physicist. Researches in wireless communications.
Oppenheimer                     Researches in atomic theory.
Otto Hahn                          Discovery of uranium fission.
Parkes                              Celluloid.
Parsons                            Steam turbine.
Pavlov                                 Theory of Conditioned Reflex.
Perkin                                ‘Mauve dye’.
Pitman                                  Founded the Pitman system of phonographic shorthand.
Planck                                   Quantum theory.
Plimsoll                                  Introduced a line of demarcation on the ships beyond which the ships cannot be loaded.
Priestley                               Discovery of Oxygen.
Raman, C.V.                          “Raman Effect” on polarisation of light and theories on crystals and diamond formation.
Ramanathan                           Molecular scattering of light in fluids.
Ramanujam                            A great Indian mathematician.
Ramsay                                  Discovery of Inert gases such as Argon, Neon, Helium etc.
Ray, P.C.                                 Researches in chemistry.
Regnault                                   Experiments in regard to the physical properties of bodies and their relation to heat.
Roger Bacon                          Gun powder.
Rontgen                                  Discovery of X-rays.
Rohmkorff                               Induction coil.
Rutherford                                Atomic Research; succeeded in splitting the atom for the first time in 1918.
Shalimar                           Paints.
Stephenson                              British engineer and pioneer in Railways. He was the first to put a locomotive on the line that was able to draw a train of 31 carriages.
Thomson, J.J.                            Discovered electron.
Travers                                     Discovery of Neon gas (Working with Ramsay).
Urey                                        Discovery of Heavy Hydrogen.
Volta                                       Current electricity and electric battery. Sources:

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