Showing posts with label Head Quarters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Head Quarters. Show all posts

Thursday, March 30, 2017

International Organizations Head Offices

  1. International Labour Organizations(ILO):Geneva,Switzerland
  2. Food and Agriculture Organizations(FAO):Rome
  3. International Civil Aviation Organizations(ICAO):Montreal,Canada
  4. World Health Organizations(WHO):Geneva
  5. UNESCO;Paris
  6. International Monetory Fund(IMF):Washington
  7. International Telecommunnication Union(ITU);Geneva
  8.  Universal Postal Union(UPU);Bern
  9. United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO):Vieena
  10. World Food Programme(WFP):Rome
  11. International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA):Vieena
  12. World Meteorological Organizations (WMO);Gevena
  13. World Bank Group----

  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD);Washington
  • International Finance Corporation(IFC):Washington
  • International Development Association(IDA):Washington
  • Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency(MIGA):Washington

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